Cases involving family are often very sensitive areas and have great influence on you as an individual. It is important that you have a professional and competent representative by your side. We can help you with economic matters such as division of property and alimony, as well as questions in relation to custody of children.
Division of property
Common-law spouse agreements
Joint ownership agreements
Trustee/legal guardian in trust matters
We also undertake assignments as executor in estate property divisions.
In many family law cases it is possible for you to be granted legal aid or to use your own legal protection insurance. We can of course help you with the application. You can also employ us as private legal counselors.
The law firm Bergmyr & Partners has extensive process experience in criminal law, and we undertake assignments as defense and legal counsel.
Cases involving family are often very sensitive areas and have great influence on you as an individual. It is important that you have a professional and competent representative by your side.
Bergmyr & Partners has extensive experience with asylum and immigration law in Sweden. You can be sure that our multi-cultural team has the necessary experience.
Have you discovered defects or errors in your real estate property? We can assist your claim against the seller or broker.